Mastering Lane Changes in a 50km Zone on New Zealand Roads

May 17, 2023 at 11:54 PM

How to Conduct a Lane Change to the Right in a 50km Zone

When executing a lane change to the right, it's essential to prioritize safety and awareness of the surrounding traffic. Follow these steps to perform a smooth and secure maneuver:

  1. Maintain Following Distance: Before considering a lane change, ensure an adequate following distance from the vehicle ahead. This distance will give you sufficient time to react and maneuver safely.
  2. Check the Rear Vision Mirror: Glance at your rear vision mirror to assess the traffic behind you. It provides an overview of vehicles approaching from the rear, allowing you to gauge the feasibility of the lane change.
  3. Activate the Right Indicator: Signal your intention to change lanes by indicating to the right. Keep the indicator on for at least three seconds, providing ample warning to other drivers that you intend to move into the right lane.
  4. Check the Side Mirror and Blind Spot: Next, shift your attention to the side mirror to evaluate any potential obstacles in the adjacent lane. Perform a thorough blind spot check by briefly turning your head to ensure there are no vehicles lurking in your blind spot.
  5. Gradual Steering Wheel Movement: If it is safe to proceed, gently turn the steering wheel slightly towards the right, initiating a gradual movement towards the right lane. Remember, the movement should be incremental, ensuring a smooth transition across the lanes.
  6. Settle in the Lane: Once you have successfully changed lanes, centre your vehicle within the new lane and adjust your speed accordingly. Confirm your position by checking the rear vision mirror, allowing you to stay aware of any vehicles approaching from behind.

Take a look at our Learn to Drive Series video on how it should be done safely.




How to Conduct a Lane Change to the Left in a 50km Zone

Conducting a lane change to the left demands the same level of caution and attention. Follow these steps to execute a secure maneuver:

  1. Maintain Following Distance: As with any lane change, maintain an appropriate following distance from the vehicle in front to ensure a safe transition.
  2. Check the Rear Vision Mirror: Check your rear vision mirror to assess the traffic behind you. This step ensures you have a clear understanding of the situation before initiating a lane change.
  3. Activate the Left Indicator: Signal your intention to change lanes by indicating to the left. Remember to keep the indicator on for at least three seconds to notify other drivers of your intended movement.
  4. Check the Side Mirror and Blind Spot: Shift your focus to the side mirror and perform a quick glance to check for any vehicles approaching in the left lane. Follow it up with a thorough blind spot check by briefly turning your head to ensure no vehicles are in your blind spot.
  5. Gradual Steering Wheel Movement: If the left lane is clear and safe to merge into, gently turn the steering wheel slightly towards the left. Ensure that the movement is gradual and controlled, allowing for a smooth transition.
  6. Settle in the Lane: Once in the left lane, ensure you are centred within the lane and adjust your speed accordingly. Continuously monitor the traffic behind you by checking the rear vision mirror, allowing you to react promptly to any approaching vehicles.

Mastering the art of lane changes is essential for safe and efficient driving. By following the step-by-step process outlined above, you can conduct lane changes to the right or left with confidence and minimize the risk of accidents.

Take a look at our Learn to Drive Series video on how it should be done safely.



